Zion Church Online Bulletin

Week No. 19 | 7 May 2023 Lord's Day


PRESIDER: Pastor Samuel Kim
*Silent Prayer
*Confession of Faith
Hymn 48
Responsive Reading:
19. Psalm 84
19. 诗篇 84
Prayer by Elder Tan Pau Soon
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 13:14-16
马太福音 13:14-16
Choir Anthem by Sharon Choir
Put peace into each other’s hands
Sermon by Evangelist Jasmine Jung (郑有真传道师)
Are my eyes and ears blessed?
Hymn 485
Offering Prayer by Elder Tan Pau Soon
Offering Song:
Hymn 512 – My Jesus, I Love Thee (主耶稣我爱你)
(Sharon Choir)
Announcements by Pastor Samuel Kim
*Hymn 6
*Benediction by Pastor Samuel Kim

*Congregation Standing


  • Let us continue to pray for the growth and revival of our church and for the work of evangelism and missions.
  • Please refer to the following for our service times:

    • Lord’s Day (Sunday) service @ 10:45 am*
    • Lord’s Day Bible study at 1:30 pm
    • Wednesday service @ 7:40 pm*
    • Saturday Dawn service @ 6:00 am

    *Also broadcasted live on YouTube for Lord’s Day & Wed Services: http://live.zionchurch.sg

    *也在 YouTube 上直播主日和周三礼拜: http://live.zionchurch.sg

  • The Precept for 2023: “A Church that strives toward the Consummation of Redemptive History by following the path of Abraham’s faith” (Gen 18:18-19; 26:5; Gal 3:7-9; Col 1:25; Tit 2:14)

    (创 18:18-19;26:5;加 3:7-9;西 1:25;多 2:14)

  • 2023 HORA Conference will be held on July 1-4, 2023 in Chicago, IL, at Loyola University. Please see Pastor or Evangelist asap if you are interested in attending.
    Register at https://hora2023.rsvpify.com/
  • There will be major events taking place in the month of June:

    – 17 Jun (Sat):HORA Book 7 Seminar (The Ten Commandments: The Eternal Covenant for All Generations)
    Speakers: Pastor Andrew Pak, Evangelists Joanna Lee & Joanna Pae.

    – 18 June (Lord’s Day):Zion Church Education Centre Dedication Thanksgiving & Deacon Ordination Service

    Let us pray that God’s providence and help will be with Zion from the preparation to the events, and that for God to be glorified.

  • Let us give thanks for Evg. Jasmine and the Word she shared with us!
    She will be sharing God’s Word with us this week as the following schedule:

    – Today Lord’s Day Bible Study @ 1:30 pm
    – 10 May Wednesday Service @ 7:40 pm
    – 12 May Friday Special Bible Study @ 7:30 pm.

    Let us all be there and receive showers of blessings.

  • Shanghai New Covenant Church is having a retreat and special Bible studies with Pastor Samuel 12-18 May. Please pray for God’s grace and blessings.


Prayer (Wed 10 May) Deacon Eric Neo
Presider (Sun 14 May) Elder William Ng
Basket Bearers (Sun 14 May) Elder Tan Pau Soon, Elder Steve Yoon


Via Internet Banking

You can give an offering electronically by transferring to the following account:

Please make sure to indicate your name, type of offering and the date info under the memo/remarks sections when initiating the transfer. Please indicate your offerings’ purpose especially for TITHES (to be listed as TH).
Note: Any online offerings without indications of whether for tithing, thanksgiving, building, mission, etc will be recorded as regular offerings.
Thank you for your assistance.

1. For regular, tithes, thanksgiving, special, and missions offerings ONLY
Account Number: 621835867001
PayNow UEN #: T00SS0141D

NOTE: Please specify Name, Purpose and Date (ddmmmyy) of the offering in the MEMO or Bill Reference Number section. See Example 1.

2. For Building Offerings ONLY
Account#: 047-903777-2

NOTE: Please specify Name, Purpose and Date (ddmmmyy) of the offering in the MEMO or Bill Reference Number section. See Example 2.

3. Offering toward Missions Offering or Book Drive to support broadcasts of the History of Redemption Series globally, can be made in the following ways to HORA Ministries:

1) Direct bank transfer to:

DBS (Development Bank of Singapore)
Account Number: 271-310151-9 (Account Type: Multi Currency Account)
Currency Type: All currencies accepted (US$, S$, etc)
Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Country: Singapore

2) PayNow to HORA Ministries via NRIC S7638942Z

3) Indicating “Book Drive” or “Missions” on the offering envelopes.

Use the following acronyms to indicate Purpose (offering type):

    • RO = Regular Offering
    • TH = Tithes
    • TG = Thanksgiving
    • SP = Special Offering
    • MO = Missions Offering
    • BO = Building Offering

Example 1:
JohnDoe TH 05APR20
SamMiller TG 05Mar20
JaneSmith RO 03May20

Example 2:
JohnDoe BO 05APR20

By Mail

You may mail your offering cheques to Zion Church to below address:
“Finance Department”.
2 Gambas Crescent, Nordcom 2 Tower 2 #10-13. Siangapore 757044.


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Please inform any Finance Team member if want your offering to be recorded.

  • Eldress May Ling
  • Deaconess Leh Tieng
  • Elder Steve

Living Manna

Sermon Summary
Redeeming our youth

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:9-10, 12:1-8

The book of Ecclesiastes is a book within a book within a book. We have the bible, and there is the book of Ecclesiastes inside the bible, and inside the book of Ecclesiastes is a book by this man called “Preacher”. We come to the part written by this preacher, who is a wise old man who had his fill of life. He has been there, done that, he has done everything you could imagine but he is now jaded and disappointed in life.

Ecclesiastes 12:8 (ESV) Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity.

The word “vanity” in Hebrew is hebel, which means vanity, meaninglessness, futility, but literally in its plainest form it means mist or vapour. Mists are there for a moment and goes away. Why should we even look at this book of Ecclesiastes?

Firstly, it is the Word of God written in the bible, and secondly it talks about the real problem that needs fixing today. This passage is both the diagnosis and the cure.

Youths rejoice but the problem is the lack of boundaries, lack of judgment, lack of hope. The achievements you celebrated, how do we stop that happy moment from slipping into meaninglessness? We need 3 things:
1. Boundary
2. Judgment
3. Hope
When we rejoice in the Lord, we receive blessings within the boundaries, joy within the judgment, and hope within the hoariness.

1. Blessings within the boundaries

Youths are known for their ambition, energy, curiosity and raging hormones. The preacher tells us to rejoice in that.

Ecclesiastes 11:9 (ESV) Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Rejoice that your heart is healthy and you are full of energy. Rejoice in your curiosity about the world. They are all good things. But in order for them to remain as good things, they need to be within their proper boundaries. Even a good thing becomes bad when you do not keep the proper boundaries.

Boundaries are anything that marks a border. Boundaries are about learning to say no to things. Boundaries are about rejoicing in things according to what they deserve, not more not less. Boundaries uphold the proper order of things in our lives.

There are blessings within the boundaries. We must not let the things of this world invade into the things of God, but firmly establish our heart to the Lord and establish our boundary to God.

2. Joy within the Judgment

The anthem of the world is called expressive individualism, which is the idea that unless you express your heart’s desires in your life and in society, you are oppressed, you are inauthentic, you are not truly living, therefore you should rejoice in your desires above anything else. This is a promise of joy in self expression.

The preacher said in Ecclesiastes 2:10-11, worldly pleasure endures only for a moment but true joy lasts forever. The world is only about quick momentary satisfaction and instant gratification.

The solution is we need to turn God’s judgment into something we can look forward to, something we can rejoice in. We can prepare for judgment by knowing and learning the heart of God, and learning to see things His way.

We must not rejoice in the things of the world before rejoicing in the things of God. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, then the Lord’s judgment becomes something we can look forward to. Instead of it being a dreadful thing looming over us in the future, we can yearn for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ without fear.

3. Hope within the hoariness

As we age, and grow old, we can have hope. The preacher has already told us to rejoice in our youth, follow our heart, while keeping the judgment of the Lord in mind.

Ecclesiastes 12:1-2 (ESV) Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”; 2 before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain,

Evil is talking about pain, the days of pains and aches. While we are young and able bodied, we need to remember our creator.

Where can we find hope in hoariness when we cannot find any more pleasure in this world? Only in the Lord. Only when we believe in Jesus Christ can death become a passageway for us into eternal life.

Remember your creator in the days of your youth. We must join ourselves to the Creator to prepare for our hope in our old age.

To the younger generation in our congregation, we need to learn what it means to rejoice in the Lord and to delight in His ways. We must not rejoice over the fleeting things of this world but must prioritise worship service, even if we are feeling tired or unmotivated. Or even when we have something else going on. Things of this world will take more and more land from the part of your heart that belongs to God. To fight that, we need to stop things of this world from claiming more land from our heart, and secure more land for the kingdom of God. We need to learn what it means to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus.

When we rejoice in the Lord, we receive blessings within boundaries, joy within judgment, and hope within hoariness of time.


Evangelist Nicholas Chiang

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