What Will Remain At the End of My Life? | 27.August.23
Sermon Summary What Will Remain At the End of My Life? Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-18 Today’s passage is part of a letter
Sermon Summary What Will Remain At the End of My Life? Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-18 Today’s passage is part of a letter
Sermon Summary Three Tasks to Victory Scripture: Psalm 131 In God’s kingdom, we are all brothers and sisters. So we don’t have
Sermon Summary Apostle John’s Tears Scripture: Revelation 5:1-5 Apostle John shed tears when seeking God's grace, repentance, and thanksgiving. When he wrote
Sermon Summary No Lie Was Found In Their Mouth Scripture: Revelation 14:3-5 We studied that the first fruits of the last harvest
Sermon Summary Let’s Celebrate the Feast of Harvest Scripture: Exodus 23:14-17 The feast of harvest is an important day spiritually for all
Sermon Summary God’s Bestowal to Abraham: Great Land Scripture: Genesis 13:14-15 The reason we learn and study about Abraham is that our
Sermon Summary The Church Where God Abides Eternally Scripture: Psalm 15:1-5; 132:12-14 I am delighted to be here with all of you
Sermon Summary The Final Harvest Scripture: Matthew 13:36-43 In today’s passage, Jesus speaks in a parable of what will happen at judgment
Sermon Summary A Multitude Clothed in White Robes Scripture: Revelation 7:9-17 In the book of Revelations, white robes are described as the
Sermon Summary Beautiful Feet of Those Who Bring Good News Scripture: Haggai 2:19; Zechariah 4:6 Today’s message ‘Words to those who are