Sermon Summary

The First Victory of the Woman

Scripture: Revelation 12:1-6

Let our church bear victory this year! Before the woman can give birth, she goes through a time of suffering and trials. May each one of us have victory this year!

The red dragon wants to disrupt that. God promised the seed of the woman so Satan gave his best effort to prevent that. The birth of the Son signify victory for God and defeat of Satan. (Isa 7:14) More than 4000 years after the fall of Adam, Jesus was born. No one could see what was happening in the heavenly realm. Satan tried to prevent that and there was great spiritual warfare. When Jesus ascended to heaven and promised His return, the same warfare began again. The woman is the church who bears a child.

A sign was given, that is this woman clothed with the sun. (Ps 84:11) Jesus is the Son and sun of righteousness. (Rev 12:1)

Through Jesus, God has told us to take off the sins of our old selves and put on the righteous acts of the saints. Saints in a group is called a church. Saints are people with the deeds and lives of righteousness. Those who cling onto the cross and receive that grace, they are the sons of righteousness. This garment is the grace of our Lord because when Adam and Eve first sinned, they made garments of fig leaves but those coverings shrivelled and dried up. God gave garments of skin, that is the sacrifice of the Lamb, that is called grace. Jesus died on the cross to give us His grace.

Do we have this garment of skin covering our shame? Of all the days you have lived, have there ever been a day where you woke up and forgot to get dressed and went out? Never. So this year, let us daily put on the garment of grace every morning.

This woman is clothed with the grace and gave birth to a son. Initially this son refers to Jesus Christ. But this son also refers to church. When Jesus was born, the choirs of heaven sang of God’s victory. It does not matter if you’re male or female, we are all the “woman”. She was pregnant so we need to receive the seed. Have we received the seed of God. Are we pregnant?

Seed contains life in biblical understanding. When we receive that seed, we must ask, does this seed give me life or do I kill that life in me? If the power of life remains in me, it bears fruit in me. No pregnant woman wishes for the baby to remain in her belly forever, she can’t wait for the baby to come out. Let us all receive this blessing this year. This is the first victory. When the Son comes out, He will rule all nations with a rod of iron. (Ps 2:9, Rev 2:27, 19:15)

His rod of iron rules does not mean a dictatorship, He doesn’t make His people succumb with violence. Under God’s rule, His people are filled with joy, satisfaction and peace. His rule contains welfare for His people and judgement on the enemy. God feeds us and care for us. God tends to us like a shepherd with his sheep, He knows what we need and He protects us. The woman receives the seed and gives birth. The church is the woman and we are the son. Jesus is the firstfruit, the firstborn. God feeds us first then He lets us feed the others. This rod of iron is the Bible, the measuring rod and standard of God. He rules with the rod means He will feed us, tend us and care for us in the end time.

At the end time, there will be wars, conflicts, deceptions and natural disasters. Now these things are happening all at once, it’s not in a future tense anymore, it’s happening right now.

Do I have the word living and dwelling in me? If it is, we possess the authority of the rod of iron. Without it, we always live a life of defeat, and full of complains and defeated by satan. God has been feeding and putting the Word of God in us. Now God is expanding His reign over all nations through us. (Isa 66:7-9)

In the garden of Eden, before the pain came, a nation was born. (2Thes 2 :8)

Whose side are we on? Those against the work of God will be destroyed by God! Satan tried to destroy the woman’s child but God caught him up to heaven. Being in heaven means that Satan’s temptation won’t bother us anymore! (Job 38:7-11)

When Jesus was born, God set a boundary so Satan can’t interfere. Now Satan does the same thing to prevent us from being born in the Word. But God put a stop to him. Historically Satan used all kinds of schemes but he can’t win God. Let us be on God’s side and gain victory. (Rev 12:3-4, 13-14)

After she gave birth this woman was also persecuted, but God gave her eagle wings to fly to the wilderness. There she was protected by God for 3 and a half years. In the wilderness, God protected the Israelites the pillars of cloud and fire to lead and protect them. In the same way, God will protect this woman. (Rev 12:6)

The world today is the wilderness, but with God, our church, our home and our selves is a garden of Eden in this wilderness. (Isa 26:20) In the end days, God has prepared hiding places for us! This is a place where the red dragon can’t reach us. Just like how Jesus fled to Egypt when Herod can’t reach Him. Don’t be mistaken, the hiding place is not where we do nothing. We’ve to grow through the Word. (Ezek 20:35-38)

For people in the ark, judgement day is a day of celebration. For the others it’s judgement but for us it’s salvation. We need to have our sins washed away through the blood of Jesus Christ before we enter the ark. In the wilderness, the Israelites went through toil and suffering but it is also the place they meet God. Let us also meet God and His miraculous power in the wilderness. We are trained to obey God’s words in the wilderness.

Deut 28:1-20 Read this before you go to bed so you can receive all these blessings. Those who follow Jesus receive the miraculous blessings. God help us overcome our weaknesses. So just lay everything out in front of God and ask Him to help us. (John 16:33)

Faith is born by eating the Word of God and grace overflows. Then we have grace to overcome all our life’s issues and problems. The woman with the sun gave birth and God will give us the blessing to also give birth.

Conclusion: Why are these things happening? 

Because there is already a spiritual war going on in heaven. My physical life is a result of my spiritual life. Darkness is on earth before the light is created. (Gen 1:2, Isa 14:12)

There was already an issue on earth and Lucifer was the one who brought darkness. God created Adam and gave him a task and mission. God allowed mankind the work of overcoming the forces of Satan on this earth. (Ezek 28:17) Lucifer was almost perfect but he was corrupted due to his pride. Pride is the cause of Satan’s fall, mankind’s fall and pride is what Satan use to make us fall. (Rev 12:7-9)

There was war in heaven and that’s why we’ve to gain victory over the spiritual war we’re fighting now. God gave us His word, the rod of iron to win. Ultimately God’s will is fulfilled through His people, His saints, those who are sanctified by the word of God wearing His garments. Let us become these saints.


Pastor Samuel Kim