Zion Church Online Bulletin

Week No. 6 | 11 February 2024 Lord's Day


PRESIDER: Elder Tan Pau Soon
*Silent Prayer
*Confession of Faith
Hymn 48
Responsive Reading:
51. Heb 11
51. 希伯来书 11章
Prayer by Elder Tan Pau Soon
Scripture Reading:
1 Corinthians 15:50–54
哥林多前书 15:50-54
Choir Anthem by Sharon Choir
Grace and Peace to you
Sermon by Pastor Samuel Kim
Resurrection and Transfiguration
Hymn 168
Offering Prayer by Elder Tan Pau Soon
Offering Song:
Hymn 512 – My Jesus I Love Thee

(Sharon Praise)
Announcements by Elder Tan Pau Soon
*Hymn 6
*Benediction by Pastor Samuel Kim

*Congregation Standing


  • Let us continue to pray for the growth and revival of our church and for the work of evangelism and missions.
  • Please refer to the following for our service times:

    • Lord’s Day (Sunday) service @ 10:45 am*
    • Lord’s Day Bible study at 1:30 pm
    • Wednesday service @ 7:40 pm*
    • Saturday Dawn service @ 6:00 am

    *Also broadcasted live on YouTube for Lord’s Day & Wed Services: http://live.zionchurch.sg

    *也在 YouTube 上直播主日和周三礼拜: http://live.zionchurch.sg

  • The Precept for 2024: “A Church that Arises to Rebuild the Foundation of Faith and Is Devoted to Spreading the Word of Redemptive History. “ (Neh 2:18; Isa 58:12; Matt 24:14; 1 Tim 4:15; 2 Tim 4:2)

    (尼希米记 2:18; 以赛亚书 58:12; 马太福音 24:14; 提摩太前书 4:15;提摩太后书 4:2)

  • There will be HORA Youth & Young Adults Conference in New York this year! Please pray for God’s blessings upon the conference and all those who attend.

    Theme: RE:Align (Theme verse: 2 Chronicles 34:2)
    Where: Stony Brook University campus, New York
    When: 3-6 July 2024 (Wed-Sat)

    For members of Zion Church who wish to attend, there is a 50% sponsorship available. Please see Pastor or Evg. Nick for more information.
    Access the registration link at https://hora2024.rsvpify.com/ or visit https://horaministries.com

  • There will be Italy HOR Seminar and HORA Associate Church Induction Thanksgiving Service in the month of March:

    – Mar 13-14: HORA Seminar on Book 1 in Milan
    * Mar 15-17: HORA Seminar on Book 9 in Sondrio
    – Mar 17: Induction Thanksgiving Service

    Please pray for the seminars to be filled with God’s grace.

  • Passion Week Special Services in March:

    – Dawn services: Mar 25 (Mon) – 29 (Fri) at 6:00 am
    – Evening services: Mar 25 (Mon) – 28 (Thu) at 7:40 pm
    – Good Friday service: Mar 29 (Fri) at 10:45 am

  • There will be Praise and Prayer Night on Mar 6 (Wed). Let us come and join in collective prayer to uplift one another in faith and love.
  • The season of Lent begins this Ash Wed, Feb 14 to Mar 30. Let us use this time to prepare through prayer and repentance to reflect on our relationship with God, and take steps to draw closer to Him.
  • Pastor Sam will be speaking on Feb 24 (Sat) at Hinghwa Methodist Church at their Connect @ 5 Service. Please pray for showers of blessings.
  • There will be Baptism on Resurrection Lord’s Day, Mar 31. Those who wish to be baptised please see Pastor Sam.
  • There will be an Extraordinary General Meeting for all baptized Zion Church members above 18 years of age today right after service for ROS Constitution amendments. There will be no Bible study.


Prayer (Wed 14 Feb) Dcn. Louis Loy
Presider (Sun 18 Feb) Eld. William Ng
Basket Bearers (Sun 18 Feb) Eld. Tan Pau Soon, Dcn. Sean Tang


Via Internet Banking

You can give an offering electronically by transferring to the following account:

Please make sure to indicate your name, type of offering and the date info under the memo/remarks sections when initiating the transfer. Please indicate your offerings’ purpose especially for TITHES (to be listed as TH).
Note: Any online offerings without indications of whether for tithing, thanksgiving, building, mission, etc will be recorded as regular offerings.
Thank you for your assistance.

1. For regular, tithes, thanksgiving, special, and missions offerings ONLY
Account Number: 621835867001
PayNow UEN #: T00SS0141D

NOTE: Please specify Name, Purpose and Date (ddmmmyy) of the offering in the MEMO or Bill Reference Number section. See Example 1.

2. Offering toward Missions Offering or Book Drive to support broadcasts of the History of Redemption Series globally, can be made in the following ways to HORA Ministries:

1) Direct bank transfer to:

DBS (Development Bank of Singapore)
Account Number: 271-310151-9 (Account Type: Multi Currency Account)
Currency Type: All currencies accepted (US$, S$, etc)
Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Country: Singapore

2) PayNow to HORA Ministries via NRIC S7638942Z

3) Indicating “Book Drive” or “Missions” on the offering envelopes.

Use the following acronyms to indicate Purpose (offering type):

    • RO = Regular Offering
    • TH = Tithes
    • TG = Thanksgiving
    • SP = Special Offering
    • MO = Missions Offering
    • BO = Building Offering

Example 1:
JohnDoe TH 05APR20
SamMiller TG 05Mar20
JaneSmith RO 03May20

Example 2:
JohnDoe BO 05APR20

By Mail

You may mail your offering cheques to Zion Church to below address:
“Finance Department”.
2 Gambas Crescent, Nordcom 2 Tower 2 #10-13. Singapore 757044.


You may transfer via ATM:
Please inform any Finance Team member if want your offering to be recorded.

  • Eldress May Ling
  • Deaconess Leh Tieng
  • Elder Steve

Living Manna

Sermon Summary
Let Us Press On Without Regrets

Scripture: Philippians 3:13-14

What does Philippians 3:13-14 mean “to press on without regrets”? It is to receive God’s Word and abide by it.

1. Regrets of man

The dictionary defines “regret” as the pain of mind on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it could have been different, especially in regard to our choices. It is also the disappointment or sorrow when realising the truth after the fact.
Regrets come when we don’t make the right choices. If regrets make us look back to the past like Lot’s wife, rather than looking forward to our future, they will hold us back from pressing on as Apostle Paul said in today’s passage. We regret this because we have limited time and knowledge. Because we cannot see the future, we end up making wrong choices and then regretting. Regrets prevent us from being able to sincerely give thanks to God.

2. Regrets of God

Does God regret? Unlike us, God knows the future. He is all-powerful. He is outside of time and knows the end from the beginning (James 1:17; Isaiah 46:10; 1 Samuel 15:29; Ezekiel 33:11; Exodus 32:10; Judges 2:18-23; Psalm 106:44-45; Jeremiah 1:5-10; Jeremiah 26:3; Numbers 23:19; Romans 11:29). So God doesn’t have to regret.

Yet, there are passages in the bible that says God regretted: Genesis 6:6-7; 1 Samuel 15:11, 35. In Deuteronomy 32:36, “have compassion” in Hebrew is ‘nakam’ meaning “regret”, to be sorry, to suffer grief, to repent, to regret, to have compassion, to grieve deeply as a way of expressing one’s feelings. God’s regrets are not caused by His own doing but by human sins and disobedience. Deuteronomy 32:5-6, it describes God’s children whom He has saved as misbehaving in such a way that caused God grief “nakam”.
That is why in Deuteronomy 32:7 God asked His people to remember their relationship, to remember His covenant. God’s Word opens up the path and the door to eternal life, restoration and redemption. But requires faith working together with our own free will. But when we choose the wrong path instead of choosing the path that God has opened up for us, God expresses His sorrow and grief with ‘nakam’.
God knew Adam would eat from the wrong tree, and that you and I would make a wrong choice. Why then does God do something He will regret later? It is because of:
(i) Love
Because God loves us, mankind has free will to go away from God in the Garden of Eden. Now, we need to use our free will to go back to Him. Therefore, when the bible says God regretted, it first means there is a better way we could have taken. During the time of Noah, the better way was for the people to return and choose the correct path, keeping God’s commandments.

(ii) God is waiting for us to turn back (Jeremiah 18:7-10)
When we return in repentance, God’s grief and regret will go away too.

3. Let us press on without regrets

The Bible does not mean that we must not have any regrets or mistakes, but rather that the regrets will not cause us to give up. Instead, we should live a life that will not end in regret. How?

(i) We must not be the wicked and lazy servant (Matthew 25:14-30)
The master gives 5, 2 and 1 talent to 3 different servants, and goes away. The first two servants made a profit after investing. The third servant just buried his 1 talent. The 2 servants with 5 and 2 talents had to work very hard to make a profit. The last servant was lazy. He lived a comfortable life without working to invest his 1 talent for profit. When the master returned, he was rebuked as a wicked and lazy servant, while he rewarded even more to his 2 hardworking servants.

The wicked servant misunderstood the intention of the master and only thought of him as a selfish master using them for His own kingdom. His wrong understanding of his master caused him to regret it in the end. Our wrong understanding of our Lord will cause us to regret it in the end too. Let us instead use all the talents (money & our very lives) that God has given us well before the Lord returns, so we will have no regrets.

(ii) Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31)
The rich man lost his chance to evangelise his family, to do more with his wealth.

(iii) We must grab hold of the opportunity given to us
Ephesians 5:15-16 (NKJ) See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Making the most of our time is to purchase the time. This requires a cost, an investment of time, energy and resources. It means to consider every step, and every moment of our life as an opportunity, that will have value and worth. This is when we can walk with God like Enoch did.
Job went through so much suffering, not only in duration but also in intensity. But Job 23:12-13 tells us that he had no regrets. Even through his suffering, Job could give thanks because his relationship with God was still good. Those who are able to repent, keep the Word of God, and have such a relationship with God as Job has will never regret.


The point is not to make any mistakes and regret, but to let those mistakes and regrets become a fertilizer. We can overcome regrets when we can forgive ourselves because the Lord has forgiven us. That is when regrets turn into repentance, when we are not reminded of our past sins but of how we can do better in the future. They become a strong foundation for greater growth, greater development and greater faith.


Pastor Samuel Kim

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