Sermon Summary
Leviticus 14 – The Lampstand and the Bread
Today, we delve into our 14th study in the book of Leviticus, focusing on “The Lampstand and the Bread.” Over the past weeks, we’ve explored God’s appointed times, revealing His ultimate purpose: redemption. This history of redemption is comprehensively depicted in Leviticus. From receiving forgiveness and cleansing from sin to learning holiness and meeting God, we’ve covered a lot. Now, in Leviticus 24, God teaches us where to meet Him and what conditions are necessary. The holy place within the tabernacle must be prepared with the lampstand and the bread of the presence.
Lamp Light
Upon entering the holy place, the lampstand, or menorah, is located on the south side. This golden lampstand holds seven lamps that must burn continually, not just from evening to morning, but 24/7. Exodus 30:6-8 emphasizes that the light should be maintained by trimming the lamps every morning and evening. Trimming, derived from the Hebrew word “Allah,” means to ascend or make the light rise. This involves cleaning the lamp to ensure a steady, bright flame.
The light’s continuous presence signifies God’s everlasting guidance and presence. Exodus 27:20-21 further instructs the Israelites to provide clear oil for this eternal flame. This perpetual light in the holy place symbolizes God’s unwavering presence. It must never be extinguished, just as God’s light should constantly shine in our church, homes, and individual lives.
The lampstand’s seven lamps symbolize perfect light, representing the Spirit of the Lord. Revelation 1:20 describes these lamps as the seven churches. These churches, symbolic of God’s complete and perfect church, reflect the light of God’s word and Spirit. This illumination guides us, revealing God’s will and presence, and allowing us to see the bread, representing Christ, more clearly.
Redemptive Significance of the Lampstand and the Lamp
The lampstand’s seven lamps signify the fullness of God’s Spirit. The number seven represents completion and perfection. In Revelation, seven eyes of Jesus represent the seven Spirits of God. Similarly, the rainbow’s seven colors symbolize God’s covenant and the complete word He gives us. These seven lamps, embodying the Spirit and word of God, must light up our lives to guide us in our spiritual journey.
In Jewish tradition, the central stem of the lampstand, called “Shamish,” is the servant or the light of the world. Jesus, identifying Himself as the light of the world in John 8:12 and 9:5, fulfils this role. He is the central stem, and we, as branches, must be grafted onto Him to shine His light. This connection with Christ transforms us into the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).
When all seven lamps are lit, they illuminate the holy place, reflecting God’s glory. This light helps us recognize the bread of the presence, symbolizing Christ. Without the Spirit’s illumination, we fail to see Jesus for who He truly is. Job 29:3-5 beautifully illustrates this, depicting God’s lamp shining over us, guiding us through darkness.
For the light to burn continuously, we must be connected to the source of the oil. Zechariah 4:11-14 describes two olive trees feeding oil into the lampstand, representing the two witnesses in Revelation 11. These witnesses symbolize the church proclaiming God’s word in the end times. Being connected to the church and receiving the word ensures the continuous flow of spiritual oil, allowing our light to shine brightly.
Additionally, our faith must be refined like pure gold. 1 Peter 1:7 and Job 23:10 speak of faith tested by fire, becoming more precious than gold. This refining process involves trials and tribulations, purifying our faith. Despite the hardships, God is making our faith more valuable and enduring, preparing us to shine His light.
Finally, unity in the church is essential. Numbers 8:4 describes the lampstand as a single piece of hammered gold, symbolizing the church’s need to be one body in Christ. This unity comes through trials and sufferings, moulding us into a cohesive, shining entity. Proverbs 13:9 and 24:20 contrast the righteous lamp, which rejoices and endures, with the wicked lamp, which is extinguished. Our unity and refined faith ensure our lamp remains a righteous, enduring light.
Bread of the Presence
On the north side of the holy place is the table of showbread, holding twelve loaves of bread. These loaves represent the twelve tribes of Israel, symbolizing the entire nation dedicated to God. In the New Testament, the twelve apostles reflect this dedication, forming the foundation of the church. Revelation 21:12-14 describes the New Jerusalem with twelve gates and twelve foundation stones, each bearing the names of the twelve tribes and apostles, emphasizing the importance of God’s people in His redemptive plan.
The bread of the presence signifies the continuous dedication of God’s people to Him. Set in two rows of six, the bread is a constant offering, representing the nation’s ongoing relationship with God. The fine flour used, equivalent to about 4.5 litres, indicates the bread’s substantial size and importance. These loaves are replaced every Sabbath, signifying the need for continual renewal and dedication in our spiritual lives.
The bread also represents Jesus, the living bread from heaven (John 6:51). Just as the bread was always present in the holy place, Christ must be continually present in our lives. Exodus 25:30 and Numbers 4:7 emphasize the bread’s perpetual presence before the Lord, symbolizing our need to have Christ’s presence and the word of God in our lives at all times.
In practical terms, this means dedicating ourselves wholly to God, continually renewing our commitment, and ensuring His word is central in our lives. The bread of the presence, changed every Sabbath, reminds us of the importance of regular spiritual renewal and dedication.
In conclusion, Leviticus 24 teaches us the importance of the lampstand and the bread in the holy place, symbolizing God’s presence and our continuous dedication to Him. The lampstand’s perpetual light represents God’s unwavering presence and guidance, illuminating our path and allowing us to recognize Christ. The redemptive significance of the lampstand underscores our need for the Spirit’s illumination, unity in the church, and refined faith.
The bread of the presence, symbolizing the twelve tribes and the continuous dedication of God’s people, calls us to keep Christ at the centre of our lives. This bread, replaced every Sabbath, reminds us of the need for continual spiritual renewal and dedication.
As we strive to meet God in the holy place, let us ensure our hearts, homes, and church are prepared with the lampstand and the bread of the presence. May God’s light shine continuously in our lives, and may we be dedicated wholly to Him, experiencing His presence and guidance every day.