Zion Church Online Bulletin

Week No. 39 | 24 September 2023 Lord's Day


PRESIDER: Elder Anthony Lim
*Silent Prayer
*Confession of Faith
Hymn 48
Responsive Reading:
34. Proverbs 3
34. 箴言 3
Prayer by Elder Anthony Lim
Scripture Reading:
Hebrews 1:4-14
希伯来书 1:4-14
Choir Anthem by Sharon Choir
Total Praise
Sermon by Pastor Samuel Kim
Hebrews 03 – The Son who is different from angels
希伯来书 03 – 与天使不同的儿子
Hymn 359
Offering Prayer by Elder Anthony Lim
Offering Song:
Hymn 415 – I Could Not Do Without Thee
无祢, 我就无法想

(Sharon Choir)
Announcements by Elder Anthony Lim
*Hymn 6
*Benediction by Pastor Samuel Kim

*Congregation Standing


  • Let us continue to pray for the growth and revival of our church and for the work of evangelism and missions.
  • Please refer to the following for our service times:

    • Lord’s Day (Sunday) service @ 10:45 am*
    • Lord’s Day Bible study at 1:30 pm
    • Wednesday service @ 7:40 pm*
    • Saturday Dawn service @ 6:00 am

    *Also broadcasted live on YouTube for Lord’s Day & Wed Services: http://live.zionchurch.sg

    *也在 YouTube 上直播主日和周三礼拜: http://live.zionchurch.sg

  • The Precept for 2023: “A Church that strives toward the Consummation of Redemptive History by following the path of Abraham’s faith” (Gen 18:18-19; 26:5; Gal 3:7-9; Col 1:25; Tit 2:14)

    (创 18:18-19;26:5;加 3:7-9;西 1:25;多 2:14)

  • The final session of “Faith & Work” Workshop series conducted by Mr Poh Yu Khing will take place on 30 Sep, Sat at 5pm in Zion Church. The workshop offers practical biblical values relevant for all working profession. You are welcome to join us.
  • There will be a special FOOD FAIR lunch & Bazaar on 8 Oct (Sun) for church fund-raising during fellowship time.

    We are looking for contributors for the Bazaar, anyone who wishes to sponsor or contribute any item for sale MUST register with D.Leh Tieng or E.Joyce by next Lord’s Day (1 Oct). The item(s) must be of use, new or of pristine condition.

    Let us look forward and participate! The proceeds will be used to help with Zion Retreat 2023 and Missions Work.

  • There will be HOR seminars in the month of Oct and Nov:

    21 Oct (Sat): Sitiawan, Perak. Hosted by our sister church (The Lord’s Covenant Church, Malaysia)
    14-16 Nov (Tue-Thu): Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

    Pastor Samuel Kim will be guest speaking in both seminars. Please pray for the seminars to be filled with God’s grace and for the word to be planted well through the seminars.

  • Zion Church Retreat 2023 will take place on 21-23 Nov (Tue-Thu), at Sand & Sandals Resort, Desaru. Retreat theme is “Discernment” (Heb 5:11-14).

    Cost of Retreat fee will be $150/pax (free for children at age of 2 or below).
    * Note: There will be additional cost for single occupancy.

    Payment mode: PAYNOW to Zion Church UEN #: T00SS0141D with remarks ‘retreat 2023’.
    Payment Deadline: 30 Sep. Please see Dcn. Leh Tieng if you have any questions.
    *Retreat fee is subsidised by the church, the Men’s & Women’s ministries and supported by upcoming fund raising activities. Please pray for our retreat that God will be glorified through the preparation.

  • There will be Baptism on Thanksgiving Lord’s Day, 19 Nov. Those who wish to be baptised please see Pastor Sam.
  • The annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) event hosted by GSS will take place 11 Nov (Sat) from 9:30am-3:30pm in Zion Church. This year’s VBS theme is “Jesus is life” (John 1:4). More details coming up.
  • Zion Church AGM will be on 5 Nov. Let us all pray for God’s guidance upon Zion Church. All ministry elders and leaders, please prepare for 2024 ministry plan and report for the AGM.


Prayer (Wed 27 Sep) Deacon Louis Loy
Presider (Sun 1 Oct) Elder Tan Pau Soon
Basket Bearers (Sun 1 Oct) Elder Anthony Lim, Elder William Ng


Via Internet Banking

You can give an offering electronically by transferring to the following account:

Please make sure to indicate your name, type of offering and the date info under the memo/remarks sections when initiating the transfer. Please indicate your offerings’ purpose especially for TITHES (to be listed as TH).
Note: Any online offerings without indications of whether for tithing, thanksgiving, building, mission, etc will be recorded as regular offerings.
Thank you for your assistance.

1. For regular, tithes, thanksgiving, special, and missions offerings ONLY
Account Number: 621835867001
PayNow UEN #: T00SS0141D

NOTE: Please specify Name, Purpose and Date (ddmmmyy) of the offering in the MEMO or Bill Reference Number section. See Example 1.

2. For Building Offerings ONLY
Account#: 047-903777-2

NOTE: Please specify Name, Purpose and Date (ddmmmyy) of the offering in the MEMO or Bill Reference Number section. See Example 2.

3. Offering toward Missions Offering or Book Drive to support broadcasts of the History of Redemption Series globally, can be made in the following ways to HORA Ministries:

1) Direct bank transfer to:

DBS (Development Bank of Singapore)
Account Number: 271-310151-9 (Account Type: Multi Currency Account)
Currency Type: All currencies accepted (US$, S$, etc)
Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Country: Singapore

2) PayNow to HORA Ministries via NRIC S7638942Z

3) Indicating “Book Drive” or “Missions” on the offering envelopes.

Use the following acronyms to indicate Purpose (offering type):

    • RO = Regular Offering
    • TH = Tithes
    • TG = Thanksgiving
    • SP = Special Offering
    • MO = Missions Offering
    • BO = Building Offering

Example 1:
JohnDoe TH 05APR20
SamMiller TG 05Mar20
JaneSmith RO 03May20

Example 2:
JohnDoe BO 05APR20

By Mail

You may mail your offering cheques to Zion Church to below address:
“Finance Department”.
2 Gambas Crescent, Nordcom 2 Tower 2 #10-13. Siangapore 757044.


You may transfer via ATM:
Please inform any Finance Team member if want your offering to be recorded.

  • Eldress May Ling
  • Deaconess Leh Tieng
  • Elder Steve

Living Manna

Sermon Summary
Hebrews 02 – Who is the Messiah?

Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-3

The writer of Hebrews is addressing the issues of stagnant faith. There were people who believed in Jesus with Gentile influence during that time. After Jesus died on the cross, resurrected and ascended up to heaven, people were portraying their faith in Jesus in their own culture and ways, rather than knowing Jesus correctly. That mistake is similarly made today, people who claim to walk with Jesus do not really know who Jesus is.

The writer of Hebrews is introducing Jesus and described Jesus the Son in 7 different descriptions. Jesus came down as the Son of God to show us what a true son should be like.

1. He is the heir of all things (Hebrews 1:1-2)

Jesus is the Word that came to us. Jesus is the heir of “all things”. “All things” include the physical and spiritual realm. According to Apostle Paul, we are born again through Jesus (1 Peter 1:3-5). When we say Jesus is the heir of all things, we need to believe that if we believe in Jesus, we are together with Jesus, co-heir of all things (1 Peter 1:18-19). We are born to inherit the curses, punishments, sins of our forefathers. However, we are born again through the blood of Christ, so we can now inherit all the heavenly things, just as Jesus inherited them (1 Peter 1:21, 1 Peter 1:23). When we realise the vastness and greatness of the inheritance that we are to receive, things in this world will not look so attractive.

2. He is the creator (Hebrews 1:2)

“The worlds” refer to the physical and spiritual realm. Jesus is the power and essence of the Word that created the whole universe (John 1:1-3). Melchizedek introduces Abraham to God in the Old Testament, describing God as “God Most High”. Meaning this God is sovereign over all creation, and this same God is in your life. Jesus is the One who was with God, through whom God created the whole universe and us. This same Word that created the universe will bring this age to an end, and the same Word will give us eternal life (John 8:51).

3. He is the radiance of His glory (Hebrews 1:3)

Radiance in Greek is ἀπαύγασμα (apaugasma) and it means radiance, brightness. The light of God’s glory allows us to see God and understand the truth. When Jesus is the radiance of His glory, that means through Jesus, people can understand and see the glory of God. Just as we don’t look at the sun (God) directly, but through you, people can see the wonderful glory of God. Let us pray that the light of God’s Word will shine through us so that God can use us to testify of His Word.

4. Jesus is the exact representation of His nature (Hebrews 1:3)

The Greek word for representation is χαρακτήρ (kharaktare), which means the character, essence of something. When God created us, He created mankind to be representations of God. Jesus is the exact representation, meaning He will think and do the same things that the Father does. May our lives be transformed so that what we do and want will become what Father does and wants.

5. He is the one who upholds all things (Hebrews 1:3)

Uphold in Greek is φέρω (fer’o), which means to bear, bring forth, maintain and keep. Jesus Christ is the Word of redemption. The fall took place when things went the wrong way. Jesus is the one who will uphold and bring it back to the original intended state. That work of upholding is like the work of administration in the History of Redemption. The word ‘administration’ is from the Greek word ‘oikonomia’. The word administration includes the planning, execution of the plan, and coming up with results for God’s redemptive work. Jesus is the manager and He is inviting us to be part of His administration of History of Redemption.

In Genesis, in the creation work, there was chaos, but through the Word that God sent forth, that chaos became order according to God’s Word. As a result, there was Sabbath under God’s reign. In the New Testament, upon people who are in chaos because of sin, God sends forth the Word in the flesh who is Jesus Christ. When the Word came forth, from a sinful state Jesus brought salvation and Jesus now brings us eternal Sabbath.

God upholds all things by the Word of His power. That Word is also called covenant. When God came down to Egypt to save His people, He came down and said because He remembered His covenant given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is because the Israelites had the Word of God’s power, that God came down.

The writer of Hebrews is speaking to Jews going through difficulties and hardships in faith. Christ came as the Word, to give us the Word, to save and uphold us. For salvation to take place in our life, that Word needs to come alive.

6. He is the One who purifies sins (Hebrews 1:3)

In order for us to go to heaven, our sins have to be removed. We need to come to the cross and repent. In order for us to do that, we still need His help and the help of the Holy Spirit. That is why when we believe in Jesus and seriously learn God’s Word, there are changes that happen in our lives.
Many times, these are good changes, but sometimes undesirable changes. Through the difficulties in our work and life, God allows me to see my sinfulness, so I can repent and He can wash away all our sins. We need to put away and take out any obstacle in the path where we are coming closer to God.

7. He is the one who sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3)

This is the conclusion of what Jesus did.
Psalm 110:1 mentioned Melchizedek, begins with Father speaking to the Son to sit at His right hand. The work is not yet completed, Jesus died on the cross, resurrected, ascended up to heaven, now sits at the right hand of the Father until the final victory. Through the Bible, we know Jesus is mediating and praying for us, until the final victory when enemies become footstools of God.

We can rest assured that even though we are going through difficulties and hardships, Jesus has gained victory. Through the redemptive work, Jesus is showing us where we belong next to God. Let us pray that Father through these hardships, He will help us to hold on to faith, and this is the pathway to the throne of God (Ephesians 2:4-7, Revelation 3:20-21).

Why did God have to send Jesus to die in this world? The world thinks it is useless. Many things we do in our lives seem useless to the world, waking up early to come for Sunday service, uselessly spending money on offering, uselessly spending effort and time. Sometimes when we serve and sacrifice for God, we may seem to have wasted our lives and time. Jesus came down because of me. We serve Jesus because we love Jesus. What the world thinks as useless, God views as priceless. When God thinks it is valuable, there is greater blessings for us.


Pastor Samuel Kim

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